March is a great month for some great saints so before the month gets away from us, we'd like to introduce them to you via the
CFP Holy Angels Gift Shop.
First, Saint Patrick, whose memorial is March 17 and whom we all know and love--the great Bishop of Ireland who brought the Catholic faith to the Emerald Isle. Taken to Ireland as a slave when young, he could have turned his back on the Irish people but, instead, was freed from slavery, seemingly miraculously, only to return to convert his captors. He was known to go throughout Ireland with a bevy of builders and would convert a town, build a church, ordain a priest for the new parish, and move on. What a way to evangelize!
Saint Patrick Soft Saint Doll $98 |
Saint Patrick Scapular 6.50 |
Who can forget Saint Joseph, foster Dad to Jesus, the first man to see the face of God! His feast day March 19 is a Solemnity in the Church, and rightly so. This is the man who cared for Jesus in His youth. Can you imagine Joseph cuddling the Infant Christ, hearing him coo, helping him walk, teaching him how to plane a board, instructing him in prayer? What a joy Joseph must have had in his son and in his wife the Blessed Mother!
Saint Joseph Chaplet 9.99 |
Saint Joseph Soft Saint Doll $98 |
Saint Joseph Medal 50c |
The great Father of Western Monasticism, Saint Benedict, is commemorated on March 21. Benedict was responsible for giving the Church the Rule that bears his name and for establishing monasteries that have held the faith secure for all the centuries since sixth century which was blessed by his life. The medal of Saint Benedict carries with it great promises if it is used with faith.
Crucifix with Saint Benedict Medal 9.95 |
St. Benedict Medal 1.00 |
Saint Benedict Medal Pewter Pendant 12.95 |
Saint Benedict Rosary (beads are St. Benedict Medals) 14.95 |
On March 25 the Church celebrates the Annunciation and Incarnation of Jesus in the womb of the greatest of all saints, the Blessed Mother who, by her yes, welcomed Jesus in the flesh into our world. All of Mary's life was a yes to God. What other saint can claim that?
Memorare Prayer Bookmark with room on back for personal message 50c |
Meditating with Icons of the Blessed Mother book 16.99 |
Hail Mary Music CD by the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate 14.95 |
Mary, Undoer of Knots Scapular 2.95
The above are examples of the many items for these saints in the CFP Holy Angels Gift Shop. Many oher selections exist on line. Thank you for your support as all funds go to assist the Confraternity of Penitents. May God reward you!